We’re back with Hybrid Highlights. This is your one-stop-shop for the top stories and content from the Hyrox and Hybrid Racing world. This week we kick things off in Stuttgart; Let’s go!
Men’s Pro
Women’s Pro

Mirjam Von Rohr makes a statement!
Mirjam won 2022’s Hyrox European Championships and so when she came in 5th place at the same race a few weeks ago, a few people were surprised.
It’s worth remembering that during that race Mirjam had a massive issue with her shoes that cost her a fair bit of time and she said afterwards she just didn’t feel her running was on point that day.
For Stuttgart, Mirjam said she went in feeling much more relaxed and felt better from lap one. She finished with a new PR, the 4th fastest time in Hyrox history, a record for the fastest time ever on the wallballs (going unbroken for a time of 2 minutes and 55 seconds!) and finished almost 8 minutes ahead of second place. She broke her own records in the lunges and row too.
Mirjam’s performance will throw her straight back into discussions about who will podium at the World Championships in a few months time.

Mirjam feels she can set a new World Record
Mikaela Norman currently holds the Women’s Pro Hyrox World Record of 01:00:45. After the race, Mirjam said it’s her goal to break that record, that she believes she’s on the right path to do so, but just needs a little more time.
Mirjam told us: “I can clearly improve my running times. I have to get faster and also work on my running technique. Physically, I’m not naturally built to run, which doesn’t make achieving this easy. However, I also learned after this race that if I get my station times even faster, then I can get a little more time there as well.”
We have since heard that Mirjam will be working with Tim Wenisch and Michael Sandbach of T.M. Training. Expect big things from this massive calibration!

Beau Wills joins the sub-60 club!
Beau has had some awesome races already this season. He got a 1:01.19 in Basel and hit a 1:01.30 in an exciting race featuring Tim Wenisch and James Kelly. His time of 59 minutes and 32 seconds in Stuttgart gains him access to the exclusive ‘Sub-60 Club’ and, more importantly, is the 11th best time of the season so far: putting him inside the Elite 15 race at Manchester.

Beau pushed by Hyrox Veteran & Hyrox Virgin
With Hyrox being such a new sport and having this ‘Open’ format, anyone can show up to any race and make a name for themselves.
Beau was pushed by Hyrox veteran Dieter Schwarzkopf throughout the entirety of the race, as many expected he would be. Dieter ended up coming in second place with a solid time of 1:01.06.
Incredibly though, coming in just one second behind Dieter was Sebastian Conrad Hakansson – who was competing in his first ever Hyrox. Massive props to him!

Frison marks comeback with Doubles Win
Popular Hyrox coach and former Elite 15 athlete, Markus Frison, kicked off his comeback by teaming up with rising Hyrox athlete Clemens Reinhardt. The pair took first place overall, logging the fastest run lap of the day and looking strong throughout the entire race. Markus is recovering from a pretty serious bout of Covid and an extended layoff due to injury. We’re excited to see what he can do in individual competition later this season!
Athlete Spotlight: Sebastian Conrad Hakansson
We spoke to Stuttgart’s third place overall Hyrox Pro, Sebastian Conrad Hakansson, after the event to see how he felt about taking third place in his first ever Hyrox. Here’s what she said:

You smashed your first Hyrox! Whats your background?
My background is from football in my childhood, then more running-focused over the last couple of years, with a period of OCR and Spartan between when I lived in Spain (2016-2018).
How did you find Hyrox compared to these other events?
I loved the atmosphere of the race. But, where ‘normal’ OCR is more about cardio and grip, HYROX gets more heavy and challenges muscular endurance.
How does it feel to podium and finish so close to two elite Hyrox athletes?
I was focused on not running or doing the exercises too fast to save energy. This strategy went really well for a long time. But towards the end of the race, some workouts got me muscularly. I’ve never trained lunges, burpees, wall balls or sleds before. And, actually, never even pushed a sled or thrown a wall ball before the race! So, it was fun to end up on the podium, but I guess the only one you should focus on during a race like Hyrox is yourself. Then, afterward, you see how good the performance was compared to others. I learned a lot from the race, and, before I do another one, I would do some specific training first. It should be possible to improve by several minutes.
What’s the plan for you now?
I’m not sure what I will do next. I work full-time and also study on the side, so need to see what my calendar allows me to do
Official News from Hyrox

Hyrox begin 2023/2024 Season ticket sales already!
Hyrox has put tickets on sale for their first announced race of the 2023/2024 season! The event released is Hyrox Birmingham at the NEC on Saturday 21st October 2023.
Anyone who has tried to sign up to a UK Hyrox event will know they sell out very quickly. This could be Hyrox seeing if they can fill and lock up an event way before next season, so they can begin work on creating and selling other new events, which there certainly seems demand for.
One thing worth noting is that individual prices have jumped up to £114.00 (€126.93/$137.55) from £79.00 (€88.56/$95.30), which is a pretty significant increase – over 33%, in fact. That said, I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion of this being Hyrox taking advantage of demand.
Hyrox could be covering themselves against UK inflation, they could be recouping costs of all the new equipment they’ve just purchased, or they could be looking to make improvements competitors have suggested – such as paid/trained judges and so on.
Tickets are available here. See you there!

Volunteer Patches Are Gold!
We’ve volunteered at a Hyrox event before and although it’s a long and tiring day, it’s also incredibly fun and rewarding.
You get to support and guide all kinds of athletes. You also get to watch them complete a serious physical challenge – doing this, you truly get swept up in their emotions of determination, frustration, excitement, joy: it’s a wild ride!
Hyrox have started issuing these patches, in addition to t-shirts and shorts, to those who offer their time as a volunteer. We think they’re stunning and would look great stuck to your bag!
Hyrox News From Around The World

Hyrox American Championships Will Stream Live
Our friends over at The OCR Report have announced that they will be live streaming the Elite 15 male and female races from the Hyrox American Championships.
This is huge news for Hyrox fans who can’t make the event and we’re especially excited as their coverage of the European Championships was excellent.
The broadcast will begin on The OCR Report Youtube Channel from 12PM Central Time on Saturday February 11th.
Hybrid content to check out
- Level-up your Hyrox capability by Tom Hogan’s coach, Steven Collins
- I chat with Matt B. Davis of OCR Media about Hyrox, Dragons, Sports Docs & more!
- What do you need to know about running as a Hyrox Athlete, by Rich Ryan
- Awesome technique break down of the European Championships by Woodsy Workout
- That crazy, crazy man, Mark Lewis, did a Hyrox in a weight vest!
Workout that made us wince
Each week we’ll be bringing you a tough workout we’ve spotted online. This one is from Hyrox Elite Athlete and Deka World Champion, Terra Jackson. This is a workout you can use either to test your ability to maintain race paces on each station or you can really push this one and aim for the best possible score. Let us know how you get on:
3 full rounds of 6 exercises.
Each exercise: 90 seconds work / 30 seconds rest.
- Ski Erg
- Sled Push
- Row
- Burpee Broad Jumps
- Bike (Assault Bike or Echo Bike preferable, otherwise any stationary bike)
- Wall Balls
So, in total, you have a 36 minute workout that contains 27 minutes of work and 9 minutes of rest.
Races on the horizon
- 11. Feb. 2023 – GLASGOW
- 11. Feb 2023 – BILBAO
- 25. Feb. 2023 – HOUSTON
- 26. Feb. 2023 – VIENNA
- 04. Mar. 2023 – MUNICH
- 11. Mar. 2023 – KARLSRUHE
- 18. Mar. 2023 – BARCELONA
- 18. Mar. 2023 – DALLAS FORT WORTH
- 25. Mar. 2023 – STOCKHOLM
- 26. Mar. 2023 – HYROX MIAMI BEACH